I have started a new service. By the time you read this, thousands of people would be running around wearing Voldemort for President t-shirts. Actually it's only 9 but thousands sound a lot more cool.
Anyone who wants one can contact me personally either through this blog or through any other means just short of assault and battery. To show you what the product looks like, I have a picture of a random little kid who seems very happy. The t-shirt might or might not be photoshopped in.
This will be the first in a line of For President tees that will be available for order whenever I feel like it, roughly in 2 weeks.
I have Snape for President shirt, Pete Wentz for President and also a Bono for God shirt coming. There will also be a Jon Stewart for President shirt. I will keep costs down and I will assure you that all prices will be $12 or less. More people in line, the cheaper and faster it'll be.
Jon Stewart will take a while as I need more time to make mine stand out against all those other Jon Stewart for President shirts. It will also cost slightly more as Stewart deserves a standing honour of a better shirt.
If there are any other t-shirts you'll like to see, tell me. If it's popular, I'll get it for you and all your friends, real or imaginary.
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