Friday (3rd Aug) was shit. We were filming the lip dub video. Frankly, I don’t even know why I even bother caring. All the work I do, all the ideas I have, all can be dismissed with a “relax can?” Like I’m some sort of bloody 8 year old.
I know I’m not likable. I know I’m somewhat of an embarrassment to be around. I know that I am a waste of oxygen as compared to the rest of you asswipes. But hell, I’m still human. I deserve the same basic respect that you give from one human being to another. I know people who treat their pets better than how you guys treat me.
I am only human. I need people around me. I need friends too. But frankly, I don’t like being treated like some lower class citizen.
There are those who treat me well. I thank you. But frankly I hate mob mentality. I have come to a point where I pretty much accepted my role as a object for people to bond and rally around. It’s so much easier to be good friends when you have someone in common to mock.
It’ll be so much easier to go on if I believed that if I changed you guys will warm up to me. But you guys will never. If I make a quick 180 now and maintained, you guys will just treat me as per usual. Now, tomorrow, the week after, a year after, 10, 20, 30, it’ll all be the same.
I talked to a friend. And now I know what I can do. I don't need to live for anyone.
Screw you fucktards.
No point even caring now. I will take a note from the Bible. Do onto others and all that. I dun have to be nice. I will treat you with the care and concern, or hate and animosity that you give me.
I’m so far down; I can afford to burn my bridges. Besides, when your best friend starts a mean streak out of nowhere towards you, you know it’s time to grab a torch.
Remember. You asked for it.
Let's be honest here - your idea sucked. True, you bothered to come up with it and all but there wasn't anything properly devised, just a flimsy and poorly translated idea of how you envision it to be. We weren't thrilled, you left for awhile so we did our own planning. You came back when we were almost done with a plan, something that might not have been perfect, but at least more creative than a *pan.. pan... pan... pan*.
You threw some fit of yours when you kept interrupting while we were finalizing everything and we told you to wait. Is that so hard for your restless soul to do? Shut up and wait?
You just had to. Bug for more lines, throw your little bitchfits, disappear halfway through the shoot, criticism after criticism.
What was all that for - the good of the entire class? Has it ever occured to you that maybe why everyone's rallying up against you (if you want to call it that) might have something to do with YOU?
Your constant cries for attention masked by your oh-so-witty remarks, how you like to take charge during Audio Pro classes when I doubt anyone in the class would want you to, all the tantrums you throw, throwing the marker as and when you like, wanting everyone to use your ideas.
Do I find you annoying? Yes. Do I think you're a nice guy? Yes as well. Cut your attitude and this silly delusion of yours that the whole world is against you and you have no idea what it could be because that's just pathetic.
So there.
Thanks for the honesty. But frankly, I tend to enjoy finishing my sentences rather than be cut off as if I'm some 5 year old. It's been a shit load leading up to this. I don't have bitchfits over small situations like this.
Maybe my idea stank. That I'd give, but frankly I am sick and tired of seeing things happen that I have been trying to say but been dismissed for. I hate the 4 words I Told You So. At least give me the damn courtesy to finish. I had more to say other than just pan pan pan. I can take criticism. That's the only good thing Dorminic is a retard jokes have ever done for me.
Maybe it won't happen in this production. But it has happened before.
I don't like picking fights ever. And frankly I'm sick and tired of being seen as a someone not to be taken seriously.
I may act funny, but I have changed from earlier. Frankly, no one is gonna give me this chance because first impressions are oh so fun. It took me 2 sems to dash the bad groupmate tag (and even then not entirely so). I have my reasons for my behaviour. Reasons that I cannot explain without inviting more ridicule or just pity. Sounds like a shit excuse but that's all I can give.
You want honesty? What's wrong with simplifying?
Hello Hello...
2 things I wanna say.
1) How bout shutting up and hearing what Dorminic has to say? Not everything that he says is bad.
2) Dorminic, how bout shutting up and listening to what others have to say too? Not everything can go your way.
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