Friday, September 21, 2007

I am one of the good guys, right?

Was talking to a couple of friends today. Mostly about relationships. One common thread, asswipe guys.

You know the type, alphamales, gets women but treat same women like shit.

I don't really understand that. I tried walking a mile in their shoes but I can't fit into army boots. Call me naive, but my views on sex involve it being a bonus from the woman I love. Every relationship I've ever been in or wanted to be in, sex never came into the picture until plenty far later.

I don't understand how idiots like said asswipes can treat their women like meat.

I don't think I'll ever be like that. I don't want to be like that. I'd like to think that I have a sense of chivalry or something to that extent in me. That my mommy brought me up right. Either that or maybe I'm just old fashioned.

I am one of the good guys, right?

Maybe I'm just naive and sentimental. Although when I hear the word sentimental, the word that I usually put after it is fool.

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