Tuesday, November 20, 2007


We spend time railing on people for what they say or do. No matter how much of a bad thing it may be, we become a judge. Even if the court is only in our eyes. But from where comes our right to play the high ground? What if we commit the same sins as the ones we condemn?

The joke's gone far enough. I am human. I deserve some sort of dignity.

I am not entirely humorless. I can take a joke. But when "Dorminic is a retard" jokes come every few minutes, even Larry King has changed his routine more.

You say a stiff comment is mean. But can this "meaness" be negated with a "just joking" behind it? Is it possible for me to negate it and pass it off as good natured ribbing because of us being "friends"?

Explain to me this concept.

Because I'm just tired.

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