Sunday, April 15, 2007


It is a free society. We like your opinions. We don't judge you by what you say. Free speech.

What a load of complete bull.

Remember the Miranda Rights? The one line that seems to make the most sense is that 'anything you say can and will be used against you.'

So true.

When anyone asks for an opinion, or if you are to offer it, you set yourself up for a huge opportunity to be judged. They may call it a free country (in Singapore, fuck off, other places too), but we form opinions on your opinions.

No one cares about what you think. If you say you do care and not judge, you are so full of shit. It's like you coming up in a Reconstructive Surgery debate and say that the society is not superficial with a straight face.

No one talks and no one gets hurt. That's the rule.

I dare you to prove me wrong.

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