Saturday, June 9, 2007

Goodbye my lover...

What’s a man going to do if he just found forever, where’s he gonna go if he can’t get it together?

I’ve always thought that I’d be in debates for forever and a day. For something that has been so much of my life for the past 13 months, debates became my heroin. It was a drug pure and simple.

The past 13 months was the ultimate addiction. Now, I’ve been forced into quitting cold turkey.

I saw this coming. I’ve personally been contemplating leaving the club. I’d figure that I’d never survive outside without you guys. Good times or bad, I always counted on debates to be my safe harbour.

I’ve done certain things in Korea that I am not proud of, things that I regret now and for always. Regrets don’t change anything. I have to stand up to the music.

There are many things that I have learnt from the club. I have changed from day one. For that I will always say that this debates club has saved my life. I am eternally grateful.

I wish things could have ended on a brighter note. But it is for the good of the club.

The only complaint I had was that the choice I was offered wasn’t really a choice. I had to choose between leaving everything I had known for the bulk of my polytechnic life versus being a passenger to the dream. It wasn’t much of a choice and like I said, it was made for me.

Hopefully I can still consider you guys friends. If you can find in your hearts to allow me just that.

With or without, I wish you guys the best of luck. It’s been one helluva ride.

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